Microgrids Map of the EU

This map provides an overview of existing decentralised energy systems that could qualify as microgrids in the EU. 


  • Green location marks: existing microgrids
  • Blue location marks: microgrids under construction
  • Orange location marks: potential microgrids but information is lacking
  • Red location marks: failed microgrids


Existing decentralised energy systems that qualify as microgrids are indicated with a green location mark. The locations of microgrids currently being developed are indicated with a blue mark. Systems that potentially qualify as microgrids, but where not enough information is available to assess this, are indicated in orange. Finally, red location marks indicate sites where microgrids were planned, yet not developed. 


This map is not an exhaustive and final list: it will be updated over time as the research is ongoing. All information about the systems on this map has been gathered based on publicly available sources, such as academic articles, reports and websites. 


Are you connected to or developer of a microgrid that is not included on the map? Please contact the researcher via the contact page.